Monday, August 31, 2009


JUST WON A STERLING AWARD for Outstanding Artistic Achievement Theatre for Young Audiencesin Edmonton! Whoop whoop!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

General Information

Photo by Sean Dennie

TITLE: Project: Whooping Crane

COMPANY: Green Fools Theatre

GENRE: Theatre, puppetry, mask, music

AUDIENCE: All ages

LENGTH: 55 minutes

LANGUAGE: No words


Contact Information

Photo by Sean Dennie

PHONE: +01-403-237-9010



ADDRESS: 2404 Erlton Road S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2S 2X2

FAX: 403-266-1508

The Whooping Crane

Photo by Sean Dennie

Only found in North America, the Whooping Crane was once endangered to only 16 birds. Tireless experimental conservation efforts have brought the Whooping Crane back from the brink of extinction and have inspired the world. Project: Whooping Crane gently illuminates this dramatic global concern through a Canadian story that is accessible, emotional, uplifting and joyously entertaining.

Find out more about the Whooping Crane,
visit the International Crane Foundation Website

The Play

Photo by Sean Dennie

Internationally renowned Green Fools Theatre presents Project: Whooping Crane, an ecological puppet show of friendship, dedication, struggle, and survival.

Project: Whooping Crane wordlessly weaves its tale intertwining art and science told through music, mask, and life-size puppetry.

Through scientific fact and an imagined dream world, our story follows the lives of two cranes: one taken from the wild and placed in a captive breeding program and the other born in captivity and released into the wild and the tireless human stewards who dedicate their lives to their survival.

A beautiful story of conservation and love, the play illustrates our culpability in the strain to our planet, but also celebrates our ability and responsibility to save the world.

More About The Play

Photo by Sean Dennie

To tell the tale we use an original sound design that includes musical compositions and sampled crane sounds. To create the show, our artists worked with biologists and cranes to accurately create and portray the world of the Whoopers and their human stewards. We also utilize a variety of puppetry styles including life size, hand, rod, shadow, stilt, bun raku, marionette puppets, and masked characters to tell our story.

Story telling without words, the production surpasses borders of countries, race, religion, age, sex & language making it inclusive to a vast range of audiences. As well, universal themes remind us of our shared humanity beyond cultural divisions.